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Image by Perry Grone

Making an Impact Across the Globe

Unity Effects brings the world a new kind of non-profit.


With a highly visible online presence Unity Effects Inc. (UE) brings stories of people, organizations, and communities from across the globe - highlighting needs within cities all over the world where together we can make a difference.  In addition, UE is incorporating music in a variety of ways, more to come….  


Unity is a word we hear a lot - it stands out, although it to often becomes less of a true reality and more of just a catch phrase in this modern era.  UE wants to be a part of bringing words to action. Using modern technology, incorporating music videos, festivals and showcasing stories that are undeniable in their need and/or success brings people together. We have launched Unity Effects for just these reasons. The organization was officially launched in 2019 and, as you can see, our first story was, and is, something everybody can unite behind (She Brews Coffee House)


Online activity and social engagement spur donations going directly to the cause.


Additionally, we look for corporate donors that are excited and engaged about using the positive aspects of social media to partner with Unity Effects - to explore unique and visible ways to elevate both the primary partner and the non-profit within the local community. These corporate partners will be there to fund operations and to allow for individual donors to see the full impact of their donations - all with oversight from Unity Effects.


There has never been a better opportunity to bring humanity together than now. With instant access to almost all corners of the earth through our online activity.  Unity Effects will pursue a positive, fun and exciting message to everyone involved. Together we can make the world a better place and have a positive effect on humanity one story at a time.


Thank you in advance for your support!



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